Masters / Veteran Hockey
Hockey for life...
As well as playing regular league hockey, members also participate in various Masters’ hockey events, which tend to be highly social as well as an enoyable way to continue playing hockey (or to gently get back into the game).
These are available to different age groups, depending on the event, typically starting at 35 or 40 years old and upwards.
We have also had a number of members represent Hong Kong in international Masters’ events both outdoors
MEN's MAsters Hockey
We play Masters teams in a number of matches and tournaments across the season, for those that are 35 or older. For more details, contact the HKCC Mens Masters Hockey Co-ordinator, Jamie Liddle:


The Women’s Masters structure is different to Men’s as there are 3 Women’s Masters teams that play midweek in the regular HK Hockey Association leagues. A number of our members play in those teams as well as representing HKCC.
We also enter HKCC Masters teams in tournaments and some of our players have also represented Hong Kong in international Masters matches.
For more details on Women’s Masters hockey, please contact: